The smart digital receipt platform
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Saving the planet, one receipt at a time

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Active users
Carbon saved
The paperless revolution is here
The next generation digital receipts platform. Accelerate your ESG goals and unlock unrivalled insights and financial benefits.
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Seamless merchant & third party integration
TSeamless integration with POS systems. Secure and anonymous transmission of digital receipts from merchants to consumers, unlocking significant cost savings and a step forward in sustainability efforts
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Smart technology, helping you save

Continuous price comparison and personalised rewards. Merchants can see real-time price movements across their segments. And consumers can get personalised offers, rewards, and discover cheapest prices on products and services at nearby outlets

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Why choose Wollette
Choose Wollette for effortless integration and an enhanced customer experience that sets you apart from the competition. Experience the benefits of our smart digital receipt platform and take your retail business to the next level.
Revolutionary financial
Safety and security
Convenience and simplicity
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Redefining customer engagement and helping you achieve your environmental goals
Our platform's innovative approach, the first of its kind, seamlessly integrates consumers and merchants, elevating the shopping experience to unprecedented heights. Imagine a world where digital receipts flow effortlessly from merchants to consumers, fostering transparency and trust.