Unlock the power of your data
Our intelligent platform automatically links your payment account and cash transactions to your shopping activities. Filter, tag, and share transaction details directly from the app. No hassle, no paper, just absolute efficiency.
How it works
Scan your Wollette QR at the checkout to receive digital receipt and collect points & coupons
Use your debit or credit cards to pay for goods and services purchased online or in store
Itemised transaction details and receipts are transmitted, by partner merchants, to Wollette and bank statement entry is retrieved from the authorised payment account by Wollette
Use your Wollette App to view and share your paperless receipts, bills, and itemised transaction details. Also, you will be able to see/use your accrued loyalty points, set shopping budgets, and see real-time price comparison of favourite items
Curated receipts at your fingertips
With our user-friendly interface, you can effortlessly search and filter through your receipts, view detailed transaction information, and even generate expense reports. Save time, redёuce paperwork, and stay organized with our digital receipts.
Ease of use0
By linking your payment accounts to our platform, you unlock a seamless integration between your shopping activities, digital receipts, and rewards programs. The system automatically links your receipts with the corresponding payment account, providing you with a comprehensive overview of your transactions.
Intelligent shopping assistant1
Our AI powered shopping assistant actively searches for cheapest prices on your favourite products, empowering you to make smarter purchasing decisions
Smart price comparison2
Smart and simple. Our intelligent price comparison engine is always on the lookout for the cheapest prices on your favourite products, anytime, anywhere, everywhere
Meaningful financial insight and budgeting tool
Our platform gives you deeper access to your transactional data, linking your payment account transactions, with detailed merchant transaction line items, allowing you to set meaningful budget limits.
Personalised offers, just for you
Get rewarded for your loyalty through personalised offers and rewards, and see all your loyalty and reward points in one place.
Our Coverage
Discover the wide coverage of our platform and receive digital receipts in your favorite stores and industries!
Full list
Get Wollete
Join the movement towards a paperless future and make a difference with every digital receipt. Download thewolletteapp today and join the movement towards a paperless future.